Friday, January 22, 2010

New year. New faces!

Another year has come and gone and sadly, for many of us sitting at our desks, this doesn’t change much. But if we were to peek up from behind our regimented cubicles and peer over to the next work station, we might find a new, friendly face peering back… or at least a new face peering back. Break the old work mould and let 2010 be the year you say “Hello, (insert name here). How are you?”

To assist you in this regard we’ve profiled these newbies above. You may notice that some have been here a bit longer than the rest but don’t let that deter you from sharing a greeting grin, a heartfelt hug or a welcoming wave… whichever takes your fancy!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Question: What is the most important thing in life?

Q: What is the most important thing in life?

Strika would have you believe it is ‘work’! But that answer is incorrect. The right answer is ‘family’.

So when a person makes a family, it is a great and wonderful achievement of monumental proportions that deserves (at least) a newspaper article, sky writing, and a made-for-TV movie. Unfortunately we didn't even do individual blog posts to celebrate these epic additions to the human race, and for that, we hang our heads in shame.

But certainly we'd like to heartily congratulate all those Strika ladies and dudes who are now enduring the tireless mind-warp that is parenthood. WELL DONE Bonisa, Thembi, Ingrid, Mbuyi and Nurahn!!!

Disclaimer: above likenesses may bear no resemblance to actual offspring.

Monday, January 04, 2010

Team Strika: The Ratanga Files

Well, they say this business can be a rollercoaster ride… so what better place for Strika’s year-end function than Ratanga Junction? We may see each other every day, but it’s not every day we get sprayed with water together or dangle side-by-side over a 32m drop. A good lunch, some sunshine, a few drinks and cool rides… the perfect way to end off the year with a bang (or a splash, or an eardrum-bursting scream…)